Legally defined product standards set boundaries for TSV products that must be met. Failure to comply means that product cannot be sold to customers or jurisdictions where the standards apply. Click links to access documents or portals to these standards. |
EU - European Union standards for E407a (Processed Eucheuma Seaweed ) and E407 (Carrageenan) (e.g. Commission Directive 98/86/EC Nov 1998 & 95/2/EC February 1995)
HACCP Hazard Analytical Control Points requirements
ISO 9001 : 2000, Quality Management System
ISO 14001:2004, Environmental Management System
ISO 22000 : 2005, Food Safety Management, Requirement for any organizations in the Food Chain
OHSAS 18001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Requirements.
It is recognized that many standards in TSV are “commercial standards” that are best left to definition between buyers and sellers. In such cases standards should not be imposed but guidelines can be of use.
PNCS - Philippine National Carrageenan Standard (under development). This is also proposed as the basis for a BIMP-EAGA harmonized standard. It is not be an attempt to force unwanted additional constraints on BIMP-EAGA carrageenan producers. Rather, it is a tool for harmonizing constraints imposed by legal standards from around the world and ensuring that TSV products that conform to the BIMP-EAGA standard will be acceptable to all major markets.
CAC/GL 60-2006 : Principle for Traceability/ Product Tracing as a Tool within a Food Inspection and Certification System
CAC/GL 38-2001 Rev.1-2005: Guidelines for Generic Official Certificates Formats and the Production and Issuance of Certificates