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BIMP-EAGA ASEAN Coral Triangle
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HB2A 1008 V2 VC
HB2C 0808 V1 VA
HB2D 1108 V1 GTZ
HB2E 1008 V1 IMTA
HB2F 1008 V3 GAP
HB2I 1008 V3 REF
This e-book complements an online version of Quality Assurance, Governance Systems and Good Practices for Tropical Seaweed-to-Carrageenan Value Chains. It is provided as a portal to knowledge, information, tools and solutions that negotiate the tangled web of rules, regulations, standards, tests and other requirements that increasingly make life complicated for industry stakeholders whether they be seaweed farmers, processors or end-users.
In particular this guide is intended to provide solutions to the value chain malfunctions that led to chaos in cottonii markets during 2008.
Specialty chemicals businesses such as the carrageenan business are in a constant state of change and comprehensive standards for carrageenan and agar in the BIMP-EAGA region have yet to be adopted although draft standards are under development. Consequently this is a “living document” that is being updated periodically. We heartily welcome suggestions and guidance from the users of this guide.
Iain C. Neish & Boedi S. Julianto,
October, 2008, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
Copyright notice:
This guide has been prepared by the Seaplant.net Foundation with support from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH.
All rights reserved © Seaplant.net Foundation and GTZ.
NO PART OF THIS BOOK may be copied, duplicated, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means or in any form whether electronic, mechanical, by photocopy, by recording device or otherwise without the expressed prior consent in writing from the copyright holders herein specified above. Information in this book has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable and true at the time of writing but exploration and research are in an active phase and new or corrected information may be included in future editions of this book and/or in electronic media related to it.
Contact us at: Seaplant.net Foundation,
Graha Pettarani Lt. V, Jl. Andi Pangerang Pettarani 47,
Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Republic of Indonesia,
Tel : (62 411 ) 425280 –84 Fax : (62 411 ) 425269,
Email: contact@seaplant.net,
URL: http://www.seaplant.net
Untitled Document
SEAPlant.net SEAPlant.net Monograph No. HB2D 1108 V1 GTZ.
All rights reserved © Yayasan Seaplant.net and
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH