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The South East Asia Seaplant Network
Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025
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Africa's Aquarium SA
(South Africa)
Algae On-Line
Information about algae including all the major divisions and classes.
Algal Biotechnology Conference
(Hong Kong) Conference on Algal Biotechnology'2000, an international forum for scientists and food industrialists to exchange ideas, experience and to establish collaboration
American Society of Microbiology
(USA) Home page for the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Adelaide. Information is supplied about the staff, research and teaching activities, positions available, access to molecular tools on the WWW and a host of other goodies for the microbiologist, immunologist or virologist.
Aquaculture Projects Arizona U
(USA AZ) aquaculture, extension, arizona, seaweed, algae, BioSphere 2, tilapia, University of Arizona
Atlantic Seaweeds
Carrageenophyte Research San Marcos U
(Peru) This page contains data related to the Biological Science Faculty. Informative bolletin, thesis since 1940, research abstracts since 1990, social activities and service, list of courses of the pregrade and posgraduate curricula.
CERES: CA Environ Res Eval System
(USA CA) The California Environmental Resources Evaluation System - CERES - is an information system developed by the California Resources Agency to facilitate access to a variety of environmental data
FAO Animal Feed Resources
The Food and Agriculture Organization was founded in October 1945 with a mandate to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity, and to better the condition of rural populations. This site deals with collecting and distributing information regarding animal feed including Feed Safety, Quality Control and FAO technical assistance on these matters.
Fisheries and Aquaculture
(Canada NS) Old URL: http://www.gov.ns.ca/fish/home.htm The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries strives to ensure prosperous and sustainable agriculture, commercial fishing, aquaculture, food production and sport fishing industries for Nova Scotia's rural and coastal communities through wise resource management, strategic development and stakeholder partnerships.
Fishing for Info stir.ac.uk Hyperlinks
(UK) Links to Internet resources in Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Science
(France) L'Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer présente ses missions, ses programmes, ses produits, sa flotte et l'actualité océanographique
Marine Ecosystems
Randall Prue, Plant Doctor, author of Keeping Them Alive
NZ Industrial Research Ltd.
(New Zealand) Industrial Research Limited is New Zealand's foremost applied industrial research and development company. The key industry sectors it serves are manufacturing, energy, and natural products processing. The site profiles all research teams and their capabilities. It also has copies of the quarterly newsletter Innovate and news releases, descriptions of products, and an information service
Organic Advisory Board Inc.
(Canada) Canada, Agriculture, organic, sustainable, biologique, certification, accreditation, COAB, Canadian, advisory, board
(USA NA) An overview of the marine research and extension activities of New Hampshire Sea Grant.
Smithsonian Dept. Botany Algae Page
(USA DC) The Algal Collection of the U.S. National Herbarium is represented by over 184,000 accessioned and inventoried herbarium specimens and is comprised of marine, estuarine, freshwater, terrestrial (including cave) and airborne algae.
South East Asian Fisheries Develelopment Center
The Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) is an inter-governmental agency established in 1967 with the mandate for promoting fisheries development in Southeast Asia
St Laurent Vision 2000 Seaplants Resources
(Canada PQ) Results obtained in 1995-1996 by the Health component of Saint-Laurent Vision 2000
WORLD Consl Group Int Agro Research
CGIAR's mission is to contribute to food security and poverty eradication in developing countries through research, partnership, capacity building, and policy support, and promoting sustainable agricultural development based on the environmentally sound management of natural resources
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SEAPlant.Net Links
Hotlinks  to the world of seaweeds & seaplant value chains...
Agriculture and Industry Apps [overview] [links]
Biopolymers [overview] [links]
Environment, Society, and Art [overview] [links]
Farming and Biotechnology [overview] [links]
Nutra – Pharma – and Wellbeing [overview] [links]
Sea Vegetables [overview] [links]
Seaplant Science and Technology [overview] [links]
Other Links of Interest [overview] [links]
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Seaplant.net Foundation gratefully acknowledges past support for this website from the IFC-PENSA program,
from the EAI-BDS project of AusAID and from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH.

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