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Grow seaweed - add value - win markets
SEAPlanet Foundation
The South East Asia Seaplant Network
Sunday, Sep 08, 2024
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  SEAPlant.Net Links

The world of seaplants is a group of interrelated communities... each has a different focus. At one extreme we have communities with a completely financial interest. At the other extreme there are communities with a purely intellectual or aesthetic interest. Communities tend to revolve around discipline, environmental influences and uses. Most people belong to more than one community of interest (e.g. one discipline, at least one usage area and environmental impacts). Click on the hotlinks below to gain access to community links.

  Hotlinks  to the world of seaweeds & seaplant value chains...
Other Links of Interest
The heart of SEAPlant.Net is the developing database that comprises all of the useful seaplant information that it is possible for SEAPlant.Net to accumulate and organize. As with any database we have three major challenges:

      Acquiring the massive amount of seaplant information available form the Internet and from legacy sources and rendering information into forms that can be utilised in our database.
      Providing a two dimensional interface to a complex multidimensional body of knowledge and information - while keeping this interface simple, intuitive and easily navigable
      Producing and distributing infomedia - data products - that make our repository of knowledge and information available on a timely basis, useful to seaplant communities and cost effective for our users.
    The W-5 and the How of SEAPlant.Net
    The W-5 of SEAPlant.NetIn its capacity as an information source SEAPlant.Net adheres to the time-tested journalistic principle that for each subject area we should cover the W-5 questions of who, what, when, where and why?. With respect to the interests of each community we strive to do this and the site organisation deals with this need as follows:

    Who? The who is the members of this SEAPlant.Net community, the SEAPlant.Net contributors, users and members and the related communities to which we have links. These are identified in our links, news and events sections.

    What? The what is the seaplant genera that we utilise and the products that are made from them and what is done with them. These are covered in the in monographs and other documents that can be found in our products sections.

    When? The when of the past is covered by the materials we are making available through the InfoStore. The when of the present and the future is covered in the eews and events sections of the site and in our newsletters.

    Where? Where issues are covered in our Geographical Information Systems (G.I.S.)

    Why? The why issues comprise much of the content of SEAPlant.Net.

    The How of SEAPlant.NetAs a metamediary (as opposed to infomediary) site SEAPlant.Net is developing means to facilitate commercial transactions between and among users. We are therefore going beyond the W-5 of information provision to provide the answer to the question of how do I take action?.

    How? 'How issues are dealt with by our products and services sections.
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SEAPlant.Net Links
Hotlinks  to the world of seaweeds & seaplant value chains...
Agriculture and Industry Apps [overview] [links]
Biopolymers [overview] [links]
Environment, Society, and Art [overview] [links]
Farming and Biotechnology [overview] [links]
Nutra – Pharma – and Wellbeing [overview] [links]
Sea Vegetables [overview] [links]
Seaplant Science and Technology [overview] [links]
Other Links of Interest [overview] [links]
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Seaplant.net Foundation gratefully acknowledges past support for this website from the IFC-PENSA program,
from the EAI-BDS project of AusAID and from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH.

The site is now fully supported and maintained by Seaplant.net Foundation.
The modest fees that we charge for downloads enable us to keep the site going.
All Rights Reserved 2009 @ SEAPlant.net Foundation
Developed by SEAPlant.net Team.
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