American Body Wrap Association
Keywords: body wrap, body wraps, bodywrap, body wrap training, body wrapping schools, cellulite reduction products, body wrap business, weight loss, weight loss products, losing weight, cellulite, cellulight, cellulite reduction, weight loss information, dieting, diet products,
Aoqili Defat Seaweed Soap
(USA LA) Aoqili Defat Seaweed soap is a healthier and more natural way of losing weight
Côreme Cosmetics Sea Products
(France) Côreme is a French laboratory expert in natural beauty products based on seaweed - a wide skin and body care line. On-line shop.
Donsuki Salons Face Hair Prod
(USA MA) World famous beauty Salons headquartered on luxurious Madison Ave. in NYC, renowned for their personal hair and cosmetics experts as well their hair care seaweed formulas. Featured in magazines such as Vogue, Redbook, Glamour, just to name a few.
Féd Int de Thalassotheraphie [Spas]
(France) Description et explication de la thalassothérapie par l'organisme institutionnel seul représentatif en France - 75% des centres adhérents - et dans le monde, dans la mesure où la thalassothérapie commence seulement à s'exporter et toujours sur le modèle français. Une appellation contrôlée pour une information exclusive.
Herpes Products
HOW to ORDER, Red Marine Algae, vir-immune,red algae,Products, genital, acyclovir, zovirax, famvir, valtrex, sorivudine,
Herpes Zone [Main Menu]
Herpes Zone - Comprehensive Information on all Herpes Viruses with Glossary & Questions & Answers
Homeophyto.com_Kin-Ocean Home Spa Prod
(France) La richesse des algues et les bienfaits de l'argile verte chez vous, la GOELINE sera vous faire découvrir les vertus apaisantes de ce traitement 100% naturel, Jean LEMETAYER a réalisé ce traitement…
InnerSelf Magazine Seaplants
(USA) Full length articles, regular columns, abstracts, book reviews on health, society, sex, parenting, relationships, and more.
(France) Located at the very tip of Brittany (France), LESSONIA, is the only company to have the equipment necessary for processing seaweed which allows to develop innovative concepts and products. Thanks to the proximity of a natural reservoir of prime quality algae, LESSONIA controls the raw materials at their arrival and during the whole manufacturing process. Its relevent industrial equipments and its large stocking capacities bring an unequalled flexibility to the customisation of orders.
MD Alt Med Foundation, Inc.
AMFI is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization devoted to providing responsible information on alternative medicine, integrative and complementary medicine, and to conserving and respecting indigenous knowledge and ancient systems of medicine.
MD NIH Alt Med Res
The National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) conducts and supports basic and applied research and training and disseminates information on complementary and alternative medicine to practitioners and the public.
Middle Piccadilly Spa Dorset
(UK) Middle Piccadilly Natural Healing Center, is a oasis of peace and healing nestled in the beautiful county of Dorset, England
Monceaux Lab Body Care Products
(Canada PQ) Le laboratoire deMonceaux est un importateur, fabricant et grossiste de produits écologiques , alimentaires, cosmétiques, thérapeutiques, d'huiles essentiels, algues etc.
Ravine Chaude Spa
(Guadeloupe) Bienvenue à l’Espace Thermal de la Guadeloupe qui vous permet tout au long de l’année d’entretenir votre forme, de traiter le stress, les rhumatismes dans un cadre où la végétation tropicale rajoute la détente et la relaxation. A Ravine-Chaude, toutes les conditions sont réunies pour vous offrir les soins d’un thermalisme moderne, à partir d’une eau de source naturelle à 33°C, venant directement de la Soufrière.
Thalado Comptoir des algues Body Care
(France) La découverte du champ d'algues en Bretagne, la composition des algues et la vente par correspondacnce de produits à base d'algues.
Thalassa International Spas
(France) Thalassa International, Le N°1 de la thalassothérapie avec 10 instituts et 15 hôtels, sur les plus belles côtes de France.
USA NutritionFocus is a health and wellness portal
Health and wellness portal, providing information on nutrition and supplementation, diseases and conditions, complementary medicine, health news and much more...
USA NutritionFocus is a health and wellness portal
Health and wellness portal, providing information on nutrition and supplementation, diseases and conditions, complementary medicine, health news and much more...
USA Quackwatch
Your guide to quackery and alternative medicine Foundation gratefully acknowledges past support for this website from the IFC-PENSA program,
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and from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH.
The site is now fully supported and maintained by Foundation.
The modest fees that we charge for downloads enable us to keep the site going.