The world of seaplants is a group of interrelated communities... each has a different focus. At one extreme we have communities with a completely financial interest. At the other extreme there are communities with a purely intellectual or aesthetic interest. Communities tend to revolve around discipline, environmental influences and uses. Most people belong to more than one community of interest (e.g. one discipline, at least one usage area and environmental impacts). Click on the hotlinks below to gain access to community links.
Hotlinks to the world of seaweeds & seaplant value chains... Foundation gratefully acknowledges past support for this website from the IFC-PENSA program,
from the EAI-BDS project of AusAID
and from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH.
The site is now fully supported and maintained by Foundation.
The modest fees that we charge for downloads enable us to keep the site going.